Beneath the snow, my garden lies sleeping. At the end of every year, the thought crosses my mind – perhaps I’ll take next year off. Let it go. Then the new garden catalogs arrive in all their colorful, tantalizing glory. My imagination fires, the wheels turn, and suddenly plans for a new aspargus bed are hatched. Potatoes in pots? Why, yes, thank you. A fig tree that’s hardy to zone 5 sounds delightful. If we pry up those blocks another six pepper plants could fit, as well. Don’t forget those blueberry bushes that are half price! I’ve gone from taking the year off to needing a year off work to rehab the garden. And I do this every single year. Sometimes I even manage to follow through on a few of my grandiose plans. One day, though, I will take the summer off. In Italy. Hmmmmm…..